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VIP会员企业 一种机器人关节液压减速器
对应类别: 机械、建材、五金     所属地区:江苏省 → 常州市
申请类别:实用新型 授权日期:2016-9-28
专 利 号:ZL201620449141.6 专利权人:陈喜
电    话:18914349777
传    真:

    It’s my great honor to introduce one kind of amazing hydraulic pressure reducer for robot joints, mainly used for such as the industrial robot and mobile robot rotating joints.

    Referred to REDUCER as following.


Working principle of the robot joint hydraulic pressure reducer:

l  Transfer the pressure of hydraulic oil into the output of the torque.

l  Change the direction of inlet-outlet oil of hydraulic oil to control the steering of the reducer.

l  Change the flow of the hydraulic oil to adjust the speed of the reducer.

l  Use the special photoelectric device to measure the angular velocity, angular acceleration and angular displacement of the reducer.


Unique, simple structured robot joint hydraulic reducer has the special features. (Taking the six axis industrial robot as an example).


1.       Simple structure makes the series of the products of the robot joint hydraulic reducer easier, and simplify the difficulty of the manufacturing

一、 简单的构造对机器人关节液压减速器产品的系列化变得容易也简化了制造难度;

2.       The photoelectric device can test angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular displacement of the output of the target directly, omit transmission error and the reducer seamless transmission, provides high precision positioning with great potentiality.

二、 光电装置直接检测目标输出的角速度、角加速度和角位移,省去减速装置带来的传动误差及减速器无间隙传动的特点,使得机器人关节液压减速器在提供高精度定位具有很大的潜力;

3.       The unique structure of the cooling device makes the requirements of the bearings lubrication lower.

三、 机器人关节液压减速器特有的散热构造和独特的散热装置,对轴承的润滑要求也许不需要很高;

4.       Due to the structural constraints of the reducer, it can’t make it rotate 360 degrees smoothly, but can meet the demands of the majority of occasions

四、 机器人关节液压减速器由于构造上的限制,不能让其愉快的旋转360度,但在机器人工作中已经能够满足绝大多数场合的使用。

5.       To the engineer who designs the robot, it has the following features.

五、 对设计机器人的工程师来说具有如下特点:

A.      For example, design the six axis industrial robot with this reducer, just needs six components, omits the motor and transmission device besides the pipe components.

1、  使用该机器人关节液压减速器设计六轴工业机器人时最少只需六个零件,省去了电机和传动装置(管道零件等除外);

The unique internal structure makes it no need to increase the devices of mechanical, electronic limit and zero bit extra.

(1)       独特的内部构造可以不用另外增加机械、电子限位和零位等装置;

The sealing device has been designed reducer inside (Internal designed with many separated, independent, different pressure seal chambers), therefore, no need to increase the sealing device to design the robot

(2)       密封装置已设计在机器人关节液压减速器内部(内部设计有多个单独的、相互独立的、彼此压力不同的密封腔体),在设计机器人时不需要增加密封装置。

B.      Irreplaceable, powerful torque / weight ratio and more bending moment capacity makes the robot can load more weight easily and simplify the design of the loaded component.

2、  无可替代的、强大的扭矩/质量比和更大的弯矩承受能力,让机器人能够轻松的承受更大的负重或者对各受力件的设计变得简单容易而富有乐趣;

C.      The robot body eliminates motor and transmission device, though increase the weight of the pipe components, the center of gravity of the robot will be down, therefore, the robot has the steady dynamic characteristic, meanwhile, it improves the running speed of the robot with inertia ensure.

3、  机器人本体省去了电机和传动装置,虽然增加了管道等零件的质量,但机器人本体重心仍会总体下移,这样机器人具有更加平稳的动态特性,同时对提高机器人的运行速度提供了惯量上的保证;

D.      Without motor and transmission device, simplify the cumbersome power matching and inertia matching of design

4、  省去的电机和传动装置,简化了设计机器人的繁琐的功率匹配和惯量匹配的问题;


E.  This reducer is a hollow structure, cables, pipes of the robot body can be passed through the reducer inside, then makes the appearance of the robot body simple, and improves the safety of using.

5、  机器人关节液压减速器为中空构造,机器人本体上所有使用到的线、管均可从减速器内部穿过,使得机器人本体外观变得简洁,也提高了使用安全性;

F.  Special marks area with colors of the outer surface of the reducer is convenient for design and installation.

6、  机器人关节液压减速器外表面特殊的颜色标记区域给设计、安装带来了方便。

6.  Oil leakage, bubbles in the hydraulic oil, viscosity, temperature change interval of hydraulic oil, outlet pressure of hydraulic oil, stability of the volume modulus of the hydraulic oil must be considered well when design the reducer.

六、 在机器人关节液压减速器设计时:漏油、液压油中的气泡、黏度、液压油的温度变化区间、背压大小、液压油的体积模量的稳定性等是无法绕开的问题。

The photoelectric detection device and seamless transmission provides high precision positioning of the rotating joints of the mobile robot


For more detailed description of the robot joint hydraulic reducer, welcome to compare with other reducers.


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